6.4 Mixed media profile


A release with a mixture of sound recording and video resources and, potentially, images and text, plus supporting screen captures for each video resource and a single cover image. This profile can be used to communicate multimedia singles as well as multimedia albums which differ only in the total length of the release.

Profile ID



NewReleaseMessage that uses this profile shall include a main release and Track Releases as detailed below and meet all the rules defined in Clause 7.

NewReleaseMessage that uses this profile may also include none, one or more Clip Releases as detailed below.


Main release

This profile may be used with the box set profile variant. In that case the rules defined in Clause 11.1 shall also be followed.

This profile may be used with the classical profile variant. In that case the rules defined in Clause 11.2 shall also be followed.

One Release composite containing:

  • ReleaseProfileVersionId populated in accordance with Clause 7.6.1;

  • Primary Resources:

    • 1-n SoundRecordings of type MusicalWorkSoundRecording or NonMusicalWorkSoundRecording; and

    • 1-n Videos of type ShortFormMusicWorkVideo;

  • Secondary Resources:

    • 1 Image of type FrontCoverImage (for static or animated cover art);

    • 0-1 Video of type FrontCoverVideo (for animated cover art);

    • 1-n Images of type VideoScreenCapture;

    • 0-n SoundRecording or Videos of type Clip; and

    • 0-n items of bonus material.

Track Release

One TrackRelease composite for each Primary Resource contained in the main release as defined in Clause 9.

Clip Release

One ClipRelease, referencing exactly one ClipDetail from a sound recording or video, for each clip that makes up a part of a sound recording or video contained in the main release with a ResourceRelationshipType of IsClipFrom. The “host” recording should also indicate that relationship with the reciprocal relator HasClip.