7.4 For resources

The following common rules apply to all resources in all profiles defined in this part of the ERN standard:

  1. Primary Resources that are eligible for an ISRC shall be identified by an ISRC.

  2. Secondary Resources shall be identified by a ProprietaryId.

  3. Within the ResourceList composite, at least one resource has to be present. Resources need to be provided in the order they appear in the XML Schema. However, that order does not imply that the resources are sequenced. To sequence resources, the ResourceGroup composite has to be used.

  4. For each resource, the record company or distributor shall provide any identifier for any underlying musical work (preferably an ISWC), that it has reasonable access to.

  5. Information about Composers, Lyricists, ComposerLyricists and Adapters should be provided in the Contributor composite for each Primary Resource, if available.

  6. If a party is playing multiple roles in creating a sound recording or video, only one Contributor composite shall be provided and all roles the party plays shall be included in that one Contributor field.

  7. A FirstPublicationDate shall be provided for each Primary Resource if the record company or distributor has the information available.

  8. To indicate that a resource is a pre-order incentive track on a release, the respective attributes in the relevant ResourceGroupContentItem shall be used. The same applies to instant gratification tracks.