7.6 Signalling a specific Release Profile or profile variant

7.6.1 ReleaseProfileVersionId attribute

To indicate in the NewReleaseMessage the use of a specific profile, the ReleaseProfileVersionId attribute on the root tag of the NewReleaseMessage shall be set as defined in the Profile ID row of the tables in Clause 6. For the avoidance of doubt, the above is only valid for a NewReleaseMessage created in accordance with Version 4 or above of the ERN standard.

The ReleaseProfileVersionId must not include any white-space characters.

7.6.2 ReleaseProfileVariantVersionId attribute

If the NewReleaseMessage uses a specific profile variant, the ReleaseProfileVariantVersionId attribute on the root tag of the NewReleaseMessage shall be set as follows:

 yyy[ yyy]*

With yyy being the name of the profile variant as defined in Clause 11. Multiple variants shall be separated by a space character.

A profile may only be combined with those profile variants listed at the bottom of the first column in the tables in Clause 6. Multiple variants can be communicated as shown above. They must be communicated in the order defined in Clause 11. For the avoidance of doubt, the above is only valid for a NewReleaseMessage created in accordance with Version 4 or above of the ERN standard.

The ReleaseProfileVariantVersionId may not include any white-space characters other than to separate identifiers of multiple variants.