7.2 For releases and resources

The following common rules shall apply to all releases and resources in all profiles defined in this part of the ERN standard:

  1. All DisplayArtists must be sequenced.

  2. To communicate “compound artists” the information below shall be provided. An example of a compound artist is “Carlos Santana feat. Eric Clapton”:

    1. A DisplayArtistName showing the full name of the artist as it should be displayed; and

    2. A DisplayArtist composite for each of the artists that make up the compound artist communicated in the DisplayArtistName:

      1. The main artist (in the example above Carlos Santana) shall have a DisplayArtistRole of MainArtist; and

      2. Additional artists (in the example above Eric Claption) may not have a DisplayArtistRole of MainArtist.

  3. To communicate single artists the information below shall be provided. An example of a single artist is “Carlos Santana”:

    1. A DisplayArtistName showing the full name of the artist as it should be displayed; and

    2. A DisplayArtist composite containing the same information conveyed in the DisplayArtistName;

  4. It is also permissible to communicate a compound display artist name (“John & Paul”) in the DisplayArtist or Contributor composite should the record company or distributor be unable, despite best efforts, to separate out the constituent artists' names. It should be noted that some record companies or distributors have established internal rules for concatenating the constituent components of a compound artist (in the above example an ampersand, “&”, has been used). DDEX, while acknowledging the existence of such rules, does not standardise them.

  5. For each SoundRecording and Video, a DisplayTitle and a DisplayTitleText shall be provided as follows to communicate the title, in the form the record company or distributor suggests it should be shown to consumers:

    1. A DisplayTitleText shall be communicated containing, in a single string, the title plus any available sub-title information;

    2. A DisplayTitle shall be communicated with the main title in the TitleText sub-element and the sub-title or version title information in the SubTitle element(s);

    3. Sub-title and version title information shall be removed from the TitleText alongside any characters that separate the TitleText and SubTitle (such as parentheses);

    4. If a title of a sound recording or video contains sub-title or version title information, but the record company or distributor wishes the sub-title or version title information to not be shown to consumers, the record company or distributor shall provide:

      1. A DisplayTitleText without the sub-title or version title information; and

      2. A DisplayTitle without the sub-title or version title information.

  6. For linking releases and resources:

    1. If the Primary Resources of a release are to be grouped in multiple sets, two (or more) second-level ResourceGroups shall be provided. Each of these shall have a ResourceGroupType of either:

      1. Side;

      2. Component;

      3. ComponentRelease;

      4. ReleaseComponent; or

      5. MultiPartWork

      The last three values are only valid if used in a message conformant with the relevant profile variants defined in Clause 10 below. Each of these ResourceGroups may contain further ResourceGroups;

    2. ResourceGroups of type Component, ComponentRelease, Side or MultiWorkPart shall be sequenced in the context of their immediate parent ResourceGroup;

    3. Primary Resources shall be sequenced in their ResourceGroupContentItem in the context of their parent ResourceGroup. This also applies to ResourceGroups containing only one ResourceGroupContentItem;

    4. Sequence numbers typically start with 1 (but do not have to) and shall increase monotonically, typically by 1 (other increments are also allowed). No duplicates are allowed;

    5. There is only one sequence within a ResourceGroup. ResourceGroups and ResourceGroupContentItems are both numbered within this sequence;

    6. Secondary Resources (e.g. cover images) shall not be sequenced;

    7. FrontCoverImages, if included, shall be linked from the top-level ResourceGroup's LinkedReleaseResourceReference; and

    8. Video screen captures, if included, shall be linked from the ResourceGroupContentItem of the resource they represent by a LinkedReleaseResourceReference element with a LinkDescription of VideoScreenCapture.

  7. If a Cue is provided, which provides metadata about any sound recordings or musical works contained in an audiovisual release or resource, either a start time or a duration shall be provided for each cue.