6.6 Simple video single profile


A release with one Primary Resource of type ShortFormMusicalWorkVideo. This profile is usually used for streaming services and may be accompanied by a cover art image.

Profile ID



NewReleaseMessage that uses this profile shall include a main release as detailed below and meet all the rules set out in Clauses 7 and 8.1.

NewReleaseMessage that uses this profile may also include none, one or more Clip Releases as detailed below.

Main release

One Release composite containing:

  • ReleaseProfileVersionId populated in accordance with Clause 7.6.1;

  • Primary Resource:

    • Video of type ShortFormMusicalWorkVideo;

  • Secondary Resources:

    • 0-1 Image of type FrontCoverImage or VideoScreenCapture (for static or animated cover art);

    • 0-1 Video of type FrontCoverVideo (for animated cover art); and

    • 0-n Video of type Clip.

Clip Release

One ClipRelease, referencing exactly one ClipDetail from a video, for each clip that makes up a part of a sound recording contained in the main release with a ResourceRelationshipType of IsClipFrom. The “host” recording should also indicate that relationship with the reciprocal relator HasClip.