8.1 Simple audio and video single profiles

A simple audio single profile release or simple video single profile release shall meet the following rules in addition to the rules stipulated in Clause 7:

  1. There shall only be one ResourceGroup in the main release.

  2. The ResourceGroup shall only contain one ResourceGroupContentItem composite.

  3. The ResourceGroupContentItem shall only contain:

    1. One ReleaseResourceReference pointing to the Primary Resource; and

    2. One LinkedReleaseResourceReference pointing to an Image of type FrontCoverImage or VideoScreenCapture.

  4. A ResourceRightsController providing information on the entity that controls the rights of a sound recording, video or other resource may be provided with:

    1. A RightsControllerPartyReference to the Party composite that describes the rights controller;

    2. The list of territories that identify the territorial reach of the ownership or administration thereof;

    3. The RightsControllerRole;

    4. A StartDate and/or EndDate if known of the period the rights are controlled; and

    5. A RightSharePercentage if known.